I told you about Gravitation, Rotation, Levitation on the previous subpage. Now I show you my thoughts of when pictures become
On my subpage Gravitation, Rotation, Levitation I wrote about values of pictures giving the impression of being light, full or heavy.
You choose what it makes you feel like;) It is perhaps the differens between art and crafts?
Again. If anything here on this website looks to coloured, it is because of the solution on your mobile, tablet or pc. On my pc it looks fine;)
What is Digital Art then?
I think it is a differend kind of digital pictures created out of all sorts of digitized real materials, forms, colors, etc.
I think Digital Art is both impressions, feelings and expressions you get, when you look at or make pictures.
While taking photos I like to experience lights, shadows, colours, ... as impressions. To make pictures become Art they also capture the depts, rotation and hights of impressions. When you then create your own, they become creative digital expressions.
They come out in two categories of impression and expression - as figuratives and non figuratives.
Photos taken of reality.
Pictures as created graphics.
Storytelling through nature is also essential to us, because through nature you can also mirrow life themes.
So nature can be seen in many of my photos and pictures as well as schulptures, forms and monuments playing with impressions and expressions feeling in totally FLOW.
That is all in all Digital Art to me.
The picture on the top show Stonehenge by Salisbury in UK. After taking photos I created the top picture out of 3 photos to show more that one of my photos showed.
This to make it tell more stories of people watching ancient history through historycal monuments. You can se my short video using the picture and others on my page Levitation Lights.
From Nordic mythology, the raven is a symbol of Odin, also called the raven god, and his two ravens. They were a symbol of thoughts and remembrance.
If you knew one or more that died young you also have the cabability to know of the importens of that Every day is a gift - that every single day is a gift;) Then the dept' and hight's of live shine's;) Then you also understand that reality and honesty is real and important to get a better life. If you also take care of nature and globe planet Earth, then you would have been safe for Thousand Years and more... If you have been so lucky to been brought up by people taking care of the same issue, taking care of Nature and Globe Earth.
My impressive pictures you find under Photos also including my expressive way of focus;)
My expressive artwork you find both on Pictures and Exhibitions.