Aldo Londi Art inspiration.
I told you about my Kanobi® Jewelry Other Perla di Nature on the previous subpage. Now I show you my
Aldo Londi Art inspiration by Kanobi®.
Aldo Londi (AL) (1911-2003) was an exceptionally skilled Art Potter Designer and Art Potter producing ceramics from 1922 to? 1976 where he retired?.
Aldo Londi worked both for the Fratelli Fanciulacci brothers (FF) (1911-Second Worldwar) and Bitossi (1946-1976) in the city of Montelupo, Fiorentino, Italy.
The companies are located on the same street with approx. 500 meters distance on the road Via Antonio Gramsci, 50056 Montelupo, Fiorentino FI, Italy.
He came dayly until he died at the Bitossi factory to greet and see the day's productions.
Below you finde screenprint's only and pictures of my own including my logo eye as watermark, so I match copyrights;)
I have asked Bitossi Ceramiche for permission - provel of this page and I will leave their answers here, when I get them;)
They have not answered directly but with a comment on their facebook page as first follows as a screenprint. Thank's very much;)
Then I have recieved comment's in a mail that my text and the sun gold wall plate is not quite correct. Thank's for the answers, I needed that, because I write out of passion for Aldo Londi Art Creations and to get the grip of his way of handsigning ITALY;)
Therefore I make clear that all the links to Bitossi Ceramiche are correct.
I will make clear, when I think, can see, assume or have found text/pictures/screenprints on the internet.
That, because I am also an creative educated Art Teacher and hereby I also need to explain the "Jam" or "to be totally in Flow as artist". The inspiration comming out of that feeling is NOT copying BUT pure inspiration to get high spirit to fly high as artist and get inspired as artist's together. It can eacyly be done without drogs as used a lot by young people nowadays;) You can also get high of pure interest and life inspiration - It is possible;)
I think that Aldo Londi also made friends among Clay Artist's around The World.
It is really like playing music, you stick together and jam in a cultural period and make alike thought's and product's and you did them in the spirit of the jam together or after getting the same mood of the experienced jam;) That's actually how it is.
Maby Aldo Londi also jammed clay with alike clay genious people around the world and especially in Sweden and Denmark I assume, because I have found other describing that Aldo Londi was especially inspired by Scandinavia and you find most of his wonderful art clay in Sweden and Denmark and of cause in Italy as handsigned by AL on his design's;)
I will here try to get the grip of Aldo Londi creation's and how you nearly for sure can see, if it is really created (produced and/or designed and/or handsigned) by Aldo Londi.
It is also essential to get the grip of, in what period and what kind of signatures Bitossi have used and still uses on their Art Clay Creation.
I have bought the book Aldo Londi Ceramist Biography by his son Luca Londi, bought and recieved 25.07.24. I will soon update all the informations here, to match that book written by his son referring to exact page number in the book. I think, I then only need to ask Bitossi about, when they exactly used stamp ITALY and if my text written here is ok;) I think I also would like to publish it, if they agree.
After the screenprint of Bitossi Ceramiche answer on Facebook you find a screenprint from Bitossi Ceramiche and Aldo Londi page.
Aldo Londi as potter for Fratelli Fanciulacci brothers 1922-1945ish I have found on the internet and also inspired by Zaccagnini (Ugo Zaccagnini 1868-1937) I think.
Aldo Londi, at the age of 11, is looking for work with the Fratelli Fanciulacci brothers (FF) as a potter, after finishing primary school at 11 years old (described by Luca Londi). He works here until he was captured in Africa during World War II as I found it described on the internet. Exactly 1940 he went into war in Africa written by Luca Londi page 37. But olso found in his son's book he tell's that Aldo Londi joined army to train 1932-36 and returned to work with FF Brothers.
The FF brothers have stated that they could quickly see that this young boy had talent beyond the ordinary as I found it described on the internet.
The Fratelli Fanciulacci brothers are known for beautiful rustic oriental/roman/greek traditional and non-traditional in many styles also sold all over The World as I found it on the link above.
I think, as I can see it, when you look at handsigned TTA LY by Aldo Londi creations for Bitossi, you find simmilar creations and patterns in FF creations and Luca Londi agrees on page 27-28.
Quite some FF creations are also handsigned TTA LY as I tell about below is for sure Aldo Londi way of handsigning Italy.
Aldo Londi was trained from and has collaborated with the FF brothers as a potter at least 23 Years and I think they allowed him to do his own designs still handsigning with FF as mark, but with his own way of signing ITALY together with FF mark or FL and only one number above the TTA LY handsigned.
At the same time, Aldo Londi was trained as a painter, sculptor and art potter at the local Academy, where he, among other things, was taught by Ugo Zaccagnini (UZ), found on the internet, by whom he was greatly inspired, I think and also have read somewhere on the internet. His son, Luca Londi, says in his book about his father, that Aldo Londi best frind went to local Academy, not his father Aldo Londi. So actually Aldo Londi did maby learn from his best friend, think I read it was Bruno Bagnoli joining Local Academy?
Ugo Zaccagnini twice worked as freelance in between having his two own compagnies together with others and the Zaccagnini's became very famous in US, also because of creations for Walt Disney. I think, that he could have worked as freelance potter on the local factories;) So he could have worked both for FF and Bitossi?
Below there is first a screenprint showing a few of Zaccagnini's and FF's productions.
I think the way Ugo Zaccagnini handsigned fore sure inspired Aldo Londi's handsigning later. Se the simmilarity on my last two pictures below.
I can see that Ugo handsigned with visible I without a dot, then T, then a A without visible connection on the top here, but actually connected as a line, so the A look's flat on the top of the A (wide A) and equal L and Y, where each letter stand's on it's own;). I can also see that it looks very simmilar to, what Aldo Londi handsigned Italy with, though he signed TTA LY. Look for more further below....
Then a wonderful early vase by Ugo Zaccagnini & his handsigning with a wide brush! That I would love to affort to buy at Modern Redux US, where the umbra brownish Montelupo area clay looks like leather.
I think fore sure that Aldo Londi was inspired to do both blueish glaze combined with umbra colored clay and the Asian inspired figures by Ugo Zaccagnini and they both could have joined local Studio clay to jam together.
Then you find a vase in white done by Ugo Zaccagnini with gold on white glaze including dots.
I think that his vase with dots on it by UZ could show that Aldo Londi got the "jam" from Ugo Zaccagnini to do dots later, as Ugo died in 1937 and Aldo Londi first started at Bitossi in 1946 as headdesigner, where the dots became predominantly on his Art Clay Creations.
On UZ vase you also find the symbol of the wheel or globe, as time turning in a year shown by the sun possitions and not as a flat line in time space ongoing;) Old cultures are beliving that, as Vikings and their wheel of a year - sun/earth turning periods ongoing or later beleaves round as the globe or universe...
Then you find a rooster and hen in white glazed clay with gold and black as patterns handpainted onto them.
The rooster and hen are only handsigned with A 20, A 21, where the A is signed more round than flat on the top;) Normally there should be a Z with a wave trough the Z, but here there is only the lefts over from marks washed away?
Have also seen Italy handwritten as Ugo Zaccagnini did and ending with a Z below the Y as a long stroke down, probably from UZ time as freelance.
The number 2 is not written, as AL would do it, but as UZ did 2 with a round long stroke on the top. You can see that the 2 in 20 is done longer than in the first stroke...
I think the rooster and hen are done by Ugo Zaccagnini, because they are done on the same form as different colored rooster and hen, that for sure are Ugo Zaccagnini creations and they are also outstanding art creations. He must have been an really inspirering Art Teacher to learn real art from, but I also think, that UZ must have been more than a hard working techer to be taught by, because he was also deeply into art clay;)
You find alike roosters and hens on the internet, if you search on rooster and hen Ugo Zaccagnini.
UZ also did two numbers as AL later did it, number out of number, on Montetupo, Fiorentino, Italy area clay, as you can see the burned clay color on the bottoms of the rooster and hen. There are also UZ creations, where there are three numbers written on the bottom - number/number/number...
These rooster and hen are outstanding done, wow, so it is actually possible, I think, that Aldo Londi was inspired by his Art Clay Teacher Ugo Zaccagnini.
UZ could have teached his students to do colors on his clay sculptures, also done from UZ moulds clay rooster and hen.
I think that UZ also was a Clay Art Genius as Aldo Londi was it.
Look for example at the rooster and hen and how they are painted with black and gold, wow. If you can do so, you are really an exceptually good painter;)
You can then compair Ugo Zaccagnini handsignature below - screenprint found on the internet on a lamp with the rooster and hen.
Then it is clear, that my rooster and hen are also done by Ugo Zaccagnini, where as the A. 21 is exactly matching Ugo Zaccagnini's way of handwriting these;)
After you find Ugo Zaccagnini or Fratelli Fanciulacci Brother signing a wonderful rooster plate handpainted with lots of colors, where the A is signed flat on the top, so I actually think this rooster plate is done by UZ and not FF, though the handsignature cane show to be signed by UZ or FF. It does not have any numbers so there is probably only done one of this kind.
Last there is Aldo Londi Globe or cube serie Seviglia orange vase with beautiful Fiorentino Flowers on it and dots for sure designed by Aldo Londi.
The handsignature on this orange Seviglia vase for sure looks like Ugo Zaccagnini handsigning ITALY on the lamp above, but if so, this Seviglia should have been done before 1937. So maby it was really one of Ugo Zaccagnini children handsigning the lamp, as they had Zaccagnini Ceramiche together as family business, before Ugo died in 1937?
Here you find the A done more round on the top, but really simmilar to the rooster & hen or rooster plate signature. If you also look at the 2 it is exactly written as Aldo Londi would do 2;)
I think exactly these peaces show, that Aldo Londi did alike handsignature as U.Z. and FF before 1945 and for Bitossi from 1946-2003.
So maby Zaccagnini and Aldo Londi jammed creating serie Seviglia together?
As Ugo Zaccagnini died in 1937 Aldo Londi was joining the Art School in between 1922-37 while he was working as a potter for Fratelli Fanciulacci Brothers.
I think, that Aldo Londi was given the knowledge of Art Symbols from Ugo Zaccagnini to know how to express them, using all of them later as Art Creator and Headdesigner for Bitossi.
I also recond that Aldo Londi would have been greatful for that too, because he was deeply into feelings.
Aldo Londi had for sure the Art Clay "Jam" and "Flow" to get high spirit inside of him.
As FF Brothers stated back in Aldo Londi's early employment at FF Brothers Ceramiche around 1922.
Below I have found most of the information about The Fratelli brothers on this link.
The company was founded in Fiorentino 1862 as Fanciulacci Ceramics and they moved to Montelupo around 1911 for better distribution and became well established and popular.
Actually this text says that FF have produced since 17oo's under a different name.
FF brothers also travelled to sell their art clay creations worldwide as UZ and AL did it. They did only one number for each creation, so you find how many creations they did by the number painted onto the bottom of the art creation I think.
In 1966 their factory was flooded very badly, nearly all their moulds were destroyed and it took a year to produce again. Bitossi actually helped them out, but world demand fell and FF brothers closed all activity in 1988.
I think you can imagine that they all worked together in a way from that time. How exactly, is only Bitossi to know.
I recond that Aldo Londi as headdesigner for Bitossi first working for FF Brothers for 23 Years has tried to do everything possible to help FF Brothers after 1966? I think, that you can eacy imagine so, because a lot of the moulds destroyed in 1966 was created by Aldo Londi too. That because the FF Brothers early stated, that AL had exstraordinary skills as potter working for FF.
You also find it described in the links above, that FF Brothers expanded, but actually I think they moved their factory from Capraia near the local river in Montelupo to about 500 meters from Bitossi, where you now find the Ceramic Museum of Montelupo maby actually with help from Bitossi?
The factory in Montelupo then stood empty until it was sold to the Municipality Montelupo in 2004 and restored to the current Ceramics Museum of Montelupo Fiorentino. The question is actually, by whom was it sold?
Aldo Londi and Bitossi Ceramiche.
I have read in Luca Londi book page 51 that Aldo Londi met Marcello Bitossi, because he was the fianc'e of AL sister Anna. Returning from captivity during the Second World War in Africa, he, after meeting Marcello, start's officially working at the company Bitossi in 1946 as a potter, because Marcello wanted him too. Actually Luca Londi tells it is officially first the January the 20. 1947 page 57.
After a short time, he was employed as Artistic Head Designer together with other designer's at Bitossi and subsequently as a permanent partner.
Aldo Londi as head designer and characteristic of the ceramics.
Aldo Londi expressed stories through ceramics about emotions and intuitions and lived dedicated to Art his whole life. He mixed traditions with contemporary art. Aldo Londi is
best known for the main serie "Rimini Blue" designed from 1959, where serie Rimini Blue
continues to sell well all over the world.
He has produced in many colors, patterns and shapes, in smooth and mostly rustic clay and sometimes unusual way of him creating Art Clay Designs. So look for the unusualt art clay's done by Aldo Londi.
You find them by knowing how he handsigned TTA LY;)
Or is it really Bitossi way of handsigning at that time designed by Aldo Londi?
Or is it also local potters working for Bitossi handsigning TTA LY back at that time, so all signed using TTA LY for sure designed by Aldo Londi for Bitossi;)? Actually I think not, but this kind of handsignature must have the space between A and L, otherwice it way other potters for Bitossi handsigning Aldo Londi Creations.
Who knows, they, Bitossi, are keeping it as a secret...
The characteristic of Aldo Londi artistic ceramic craft is that it is eye-catching, it seems harmonious in the forms and you want to touch it, I think;)
You can sense the cultural historical heritage Aldo Londi has also been inspired by and expressed in his ceramic works of art, which are timeless and continuously inspire worldwide, I think.
During all his travels for Bitossi and sales of his creations in residential buildings, etc. worldwide Aldo Londi also was inspired by local potters and cultures, I think, as an Art Teacher and also as an Creative Artist, I know the feelings here jamming or getting high spirit together with other artists;). His son Luca also writes about his ongoing creativity;)
Luca Londi writes on page 59-63 that AL made ceramics especially for US after Second World War.....but as industrial creations matching US demands when they were visiting AL in Montelupo.
Aldo Londi has been a lot in Scandinavia, where he was mostly in Sweden and Denmark.
His feather serie Piume produced for Raymore is inspired by Swedish Stig Lindberg feather ceramics, as I can see it on the internet, comparing Stig Lindbergs featherdesign's with Aldo Londi's.
Maby they agreed on or did the feather serie's together jamming clay, I actually think they did this serie together jamming clay;)
Aldo Londi made the feathers shine using the clay from Montelupo, Fiorentino, Italy and glazed it white in his way, where the white glaze look's as floating together and the feathers with thin black lines through them, which makes them look outstanding, well composed and finished I think.
It is really an honour to have inspired A.L, because he was The Art Clay Genius doing wonderful timeless ancient inspired clay sculptures, I think.
Aldo Londi's white lamp in the Ikano serie with a blue ribbon around is actually quite inspired by Danish Bartholdy Keramik, etc, as I can find it on the internet.
His globe Ikano, the globe as symbol, means The Whole or The Whole Universe or The Whole World or everything and "I kano" is written or spoken "in a canoe" in danish, so I think Aldo Londi must have felt fabolous trying canoe, ex. in Denmark at Gudenåen, where we mostly go by canoe ind Denmark. He also can have joined into the nature by canoe in Sweden and Finland, where they have a lot of large lakes and alway's have used canoes to fish, travel, etc. I know it. Luca Londi writes, that Aldo Londi especially met with Swedish and Finnish ceramicst's and also made friends worldwide.
So greath, that he made the serie IKANO produced for Bergboms in Sweden with globe symbol. Eg. the white lamps with rimini blue lines around including the circle or globe in his way and then coloring the clay with white as "All (round) free spirit" and turquise "main serie rimini blue" as "water from Rimini" glaze. So passionated into life, I think.
Below you find the mainframe serie "Rimini blue" and subserie "Spagnoli" handsigned B105/ and stamped ITALY. So here we have a vase that is handsigned for Bitossi done as the 105 production I think it should be categorised, who knows;)
As it does not say anything after the / line, I recond that this should really had stayed at Bitossi, Montelupo, Italy. But it did not and I have repaired this beautiful A.L. vintage vase on the vase neck. I rather like this shape than A.L. Ball, because it is incorrect due to the geometric forms and Math's;)
I think and assume here, as it is possible for us all to do so and it is a force to do so, neverthless what Univercity people are shaped or formed as a formation to think about exactly that;)
Aldo Londi ceramic colors and structure I can see, assume and think found looking on the internet and as well known, because I am educated as an Art Teacher, so I can mix exactly the same colors;)
He used predominantly natural colors such as umbra (as the Montelupo clay is nature colored red umbra toned with white and when burned it looks like light umbra, as I can see it looking at the burned clay;), sometimes a bit of sienna and seldom ochre, along with primary colors, clear blue toned with a bit of yellow, red toned with a bit of yellow, umbre toned with a bit of ochre and white, umbre toned with a bit of sienna, matte or glossy black often on clay without stones in it to color and structure the clay.
All ceramics are handmade, as I know it, reading on Bitossi ceramiche homepage and on the internet, done in clay from the local river, mostly mixed with small pieces of stones, so that the clay seems rustic. But Aldo Londi has also produced ceramics without stones in the Montelupo clay having the color of almost light umbra mixed with a tiny bit of cienne and sunyellow lightened with white, as I have creations without any tiny stones in them;)
I am sure that Aldo Londi first created handmade forms (moulds) in clay and then used different techniques to finish his sculptures, such as sgraffito or stamping into it, ex. when doing vases, lamps, ashtrays, bowls, etc. and forms to create reliefs, busts, etc., as you can find them on the internet.
When it, both the clay and glaze, is burned on very hight temperature, or actually burned to hot, you get the LAVA structure showing glaze burned to hot with layers flowting together and lava color of the umbra overheated clay and you then get the beautiful serie LAVA also called Chinese Glaze Rimini Blue;) I know it, because I am an Art teacher.
AL used LAVA glaze for some of his wonderful figures (done as UZ did them, though AL used LAVA structure onto them burning them to hot), ex. as buddha head's. and it is eacy to see, that he was inspired by his master Ugo Zaccagnini also doing oriental figures, eg. in blueish and umbra. Look them up on the internet...
See LAVA structure on the top photo as background for the Rimini Blue Geometric Symbol Patterns or below.
I think as the name say's, that Aldo Londi went to Rimini and was taken by the clear blue greenish colors of the water and the waves, so that these colors became essential to his further work. The serie called RIMINI BLUE is the main frame for all his work doing patterns as symbols into the Montelupo clay making it timeless and beautiful.
So the mainframe Rimini blue comes in all sorts of patterns as symbols for eternity, flowers, circles as The Whole, etc. and it can also be in other colors than Rimini blue. Then it is not Rimini blue, but a different color, ex. Rimini Red, Black, Green, Mustard Bownish as some call it or as I would call it Umbra toned with ocher or olive colored. Olives are the symbols of...
Not all productions have a serie name?, but you find the clues looking Rimini blue by Aldo Londi up;)
As I said I think and assume and can se on the internet that first Aldo Londi produced a new creation of the Montelupo clay, which was left to dry until it was ready to work with patterns. It was then glazed in layers with first white, then colored glaze and clear glaze on top. I assume that the glaze could be from Murano, because they are also outstanding glassartmakers and sell their seeds of glassmix;) I do not know it for sure, but Luca Londi tells about Aldo Londi Serie Frits on the page 78, where Aldo Londi experimented with combining Montelupo clay with glass, so it all also looked cracked.
As I can see it, this process makes the glaze colors appear uneven and transparent clear and beautiful structured by the patterns and also most often by the tiny stones used in the clay.
As I can see, not all creations have white as the basic color as well as the serie Genovese though it has white as basic color and then also shiny black and matte umbra as basic color on top of the white glaze.
Most often red glaze has black as the bottom glaze and some creations are without a base color as my jar above, so the beautiful light umbral clay forms the base color under the top glaze layers, where my jar is glazed umbra with a bit of yellow directly onto the Montelupo clay;). But the Rimini Blue subserie Trifoglio area is glazed white as the basic color, as I can see it.
I think the most beautiful pieces are the ones, where the glaze looks as if the glass glaze has boiled, heather on to hot degrees, so the surface is really rough and with holes in the glaze. wow;) I rather like to think of it as burned glass glaze or heated too hot so it look's like the surface of the moon and not only LAVA;) I really like this structure done by Aldo Londi, propably by a mistake, busy experimenting or playing with materials in the time where ceramist's were experimenting with clay and glaze to make it all look like LAVA;)
I think all Aldo Londi's creations are beautiful Art Sculptures in themselves showing Mother Earth of Nature in the most fantastic way, but Bitossi has chosen to show the simple beautiful ones on an architecture page.
Bitossi Pattern Storie.Kanobi® Jewelry |
Design models as a templates for reproductions of Aldo Londi creations found on Bitossi Ceramiche homepage.
Aldo Londi designed and produced himself together with other ceramists. Based on Aldo Londi's design's, Aldo Londi for Bitossi has produced moulds for relief, figures, e.g. so many of Bitossi's products are manufactured this way today.
When it comes to impressed patterns, Aldo Londi has used and Bitossi still uses pattern stamps created by Aldo Londi onto handmanufactured and handturned clay productions. Therefore they need Aldo Londi Stamp TTA LY too, so that we still can be sure it designed precicely by Aldo Londi for Bitossi;)
Aldo Londi buy reproductionsKanobi® Jewelry |
Aldo Londi handsignatures for the Fanciulacci brothers and Bitossi as I have found them on the internet and can see it.
Italian potters collaborate in cooperatives I think and decided for a given period how to sign Italian ceramics. For many years almost everyone handwrote ITALY though someone also wrote ITALIA eighter using stamps or handwritten and I have found on the internet both Zaccagnini handwriting and also doing a stamp ITALIA as well as ITALY.
I assume that it could be Ugo Zaccagnini working as freelance imployed handsigning ITALIA and later also found as stamp ITALIA togetner with all their signs for Zaccagnini productions and a lot of other marks on the bottom of their clay art's.
Aldo Londi signed with TTA LY both for the Fanciulacci Brothers and Bitossi, that I am actually sure of, because you find simmilar handsignature both for FF Brother and Bitossi handwriting TTA LY;)
Therefore I think, precisely Aldo Londi creations must be found in the way Italy is written.
First I have found simmilar ceramic's from Italy, but not designed or handsigned or stamped by Aldo Londi for FF & Bitossi on the internet.
"Studio 4" made simmilar to Bitossi and Aldo Londi rimini blue with patterns. They moved to Capraia. Studio 4 were potters that used to work at Bitossi and they made simmilar to Bitossi product, so look for the handsigned marks! The patterns that Studio 4 used were simmilar to Bitossi by Aldo Londi, but not exactly, so also look at the patterns used, because they are not Aldo Londi designed. It is really eacy to see the differences if you know how Aldo Londi patterns look;)
Also Ceramic Tadinate and Deruta still makes simmilar to Aldo Londi for Bitossi, so do also look for the productions and design difference here. Nuovo Rinascimento also did simmilar in the 70'ties, but they used a darker blueish in different blue from primar colors, so look for to colored blue, then it is Nuovo. They did not finish the visible inside of lamps, e.g. as Bitossi does inspired by Aldo Londi always doing clay to perfection's as I can see and found art product's on the internet;)
Aldo Londi HandsignatureKanobi® Jewelry |
As I have found it on the internet and can see it The Fanciulacci Brothers handsigned as handwritten ITALY with each letter standing on its own and possibly a production number first and one or two FF.
As there were two brothers there must have been agreement on how to handsign, if you were not FF brothers and I assume, that each potter could sign Italy their way. There where also two way's to handsign, when Fratelli Fanciulacci brothers themselves handsigned, because no one signs totally the same way and for sure not every time you sign.
There is a similar signature with ITA as described, but then there is air between ITA air LY, so that the letters A and L become prominent.
These one's signed that way is for sure Aldo Londi handsigning his productions for FF Brothers, I think. See below first row second photo.
On the fourth picture with the red X below you find Aldo Londi way of handsigning Italy as he was working for FF I asume.
Aldo Londi's handwriting TTA LY can also be seen on the last picture on the right side second row, but here it says Ztaly and that is also described on Bitossi Ceramiche homepage;)
Maby he did also the second last on the bottom row;)
He could also have done the third in the first row from left, because there is used different brushsize to sign here.
If you look on the last photo in first row right below, then it could be Ugo Zaccagnini
handsigning, because he worked twice as freelance in area Montelupo. But FF brother's also handsigned I T A L Y that kind of way as you see it below.
You also have to look up, what FF did of creations and what Aldo Londi later also did. ex. the vase in umbra with white and green colored stripes below I think.
Did AL also create simmilar as headdesigner?
Yes, in orange gold and blue gold with LAVA background sgraffito but not as overheated LAVA instead controlled heated and painted as lava structure.
Bitossi Ceramiche has written to me, that the blue wall plate below is done by another potter for Bitossi.
So maby the orange one is also done for Bitossi by another potter than Aldo Londi, though it is sold worldwide as Aldo Londi creation including Aldo Londi handsignature? Or was the local potter really FF brothers and they did this wonderful wall plate for Bitossi handsigned by Aldo Londi? I recond that it could be how is was;)
But I think I found out looking a ton handsigning ITALY up, that the way of handsigning
TTA LY tell's that it was Aldo Londi handsigning and as you can see, the way the wall plate below is handsigned for sure looks like the way Aldo Londi did handsign TTA LY;) So maby FF created it and AL handsigned as headdesigner for Bitossi? Or another potter did actually sign a lot of AL's creations? I do actually not think so.
Also the way the numbers 729 are written looks like AL way of writing the numbers 7, 2, 9.
I assume, that some of the handsignatures from above may be Aldo Londi's signature for the Fanciulacci brothers before WW2, where AL maby distinguished himself to design his signature ITALY special?
Also seen Aldo Londi's recognizable signature TTA LY as described below for Bitossi, but with FF in front or behind or FL in front.
Aldo Londi signature for Bitossi as I have found them on the internet and can see it.
The ceramic signature has had different forms with and without a signature, which are described below, but predominantly first handsigned number out of number ex. 302/18 numbering serie/ how many numbers of product type I assume and underneath Aldo Londi also handsigned with TTA LY. You can also look only at the numbers and see, that they are written by Aldo Londi, because of how the numbers are handwritten. Zaccagnini also used two numbers seperation, not FF Brother's.
So if the signature only shows number and nothing after the / or no / there is only one of it's kind for Bitossi I think or it was maby Aldo Londi designing for FF brothers?
Therefore you also have to look at, how the vase, bowl, etc. is made, I think.
Aldo Londi marks BitossiKanobi® Jewelry |
Aldo Londi's handsignature – his unique way of writing Italy as I have found it on the internet and can see it.
When he started at Bitossi he had a short period where he wrote Ztaly.... perhaps with his inspiration from Ugo Zaccagnini and his tribute to his mater as Ugo died in 1937? Seen in the first picture above with a white background. It also looks as difficult to handsign Ztaly, so maby that is why Aldo Londi changed back to handsigning TTA LY?
Generally, Aldo Londi handsigned with TTA LY as I have comparred hundreds of signatures shown on the internet and for real my own Aldo Londi Art creations;). I am actually sure, I am right about this issue, Aldo Londi signed Italy with TTA LY as I describe below.
• He wrote i and T under the same very long line without a dot over the i, so TT.
• Most often seen together with a round A at the top, but also a shar A as long you also find A and L seperated. On the blue gold plate it looks like TTA are written together with a stroke down to A in one line, but if you look closely the lines are seperated;)
• Next, a smaller L and finally a Y, where the stroke down from the Y is very long and goes to the left.
Have also often seen that L and Y are written together. Over time, it is all written together, almost like old handwriting. Depending on the size of the pensil he wrote from left to right or from right to left. If he used a small pensil he wrote from left to right and the opposite.
Or hansigned with only L. numbers out of numbers and TTA LY.
Or with handsigned numbers and stamp ITALY or FLAVIA, where FLAVIA must have been from 1976, where Aldo Londi regarding to Luca Londi page 57 retired. The US wanted MAde in Italy marks after the Wprld War two, but Bitossi made the ususal signs regarding to Luca Londi page 59, so Aldo Londi kept on handsigning TTA LY until 1976. I also think that I wrote here somewhere, that at nearly the same time Bitossi was renamed to FLAVIA. So perhaps the stamp ITALY for Bitossi is after FLAVIA until 2008ish, where they have their own flowerstamp Bitossi;)
Or handwritten with perhaps an initial from different living compagnies, ex. I.B. for Illums Bolighus, number/number and stamped Flavia, which Bitossi was called for a number of years.
Or on reliefs L. Londi, as it is done on a relief sold in DK riht now 09.07.24.
Or with sticker's only. Ex. Bolighuset Illums, so many products are missing marks, because the stickers have fallen off or been removed or washed of.
Or only with handsigned TTA LY - then there is only one piece of this kind of Aldo Londi Art Sculpture I believe;)
If it is from the time with stickers only on the creative ceramic productions, you also can see, if it is Aldo Londi handsigning by the way the numbers are written.... Look them up and see ex. that the 2 is written by only a very short line on the top and an exactly east west going equal short line on the bottom of the 2.
Stamp ITALY and FLAVIA. FLAVIA could be stamped when FF moved to the museum building after 1966ish and FL for cooperation between Bitossi by Aldo Londi and FF Brothers and FLAVIA for flavor of art clay Florenze area or Fiorentino, I think;)?
I have read in one of the links about Bitossi, FF Brothers and Aldo Londi, that Bitossi actually helped FF Brothers financially. I have also read that stamp FlAVIA time was Bitossi cooperating with a small local compagny. As I found it on La Fondazione Vittoriano Bitossi, somewhere.....? I have found it Yesterday stamp ITALY and FLAVIA for Bitossi was from 1976-2008 though designed by Aldo Londi before and after right now, because some of his designs are still produced from moulds or handcreated inclosed all his wonderful Sgraffito Symbol Stamps.
In that perspective Aldo Londi handsigned from 1946-1976 for Bitossi and before for FF Brothers with the earlier way of Aldo Londi way of handsigning TTA LY.
But when he was away on his World Travels often in Scandinavia, especially in Sweden and Denmark, there must have been other Bitossi potters handsigning TTALY for Bitossi, though every single peace was designed by Aldo Londi;) Then there is no air between A & L;)
That's exactly why the blueish LAVA wall plate IS created and handsigned by Aldo Londi and nobody else;) Bitossi say, that it is created for them, but it could also be created by AL for FF;)
It is obvious looking like creations for FF brothers with the lines and shapes and LAVA way of colors spred on to the plate and not burned to hot as AL did for Bitossi. AL has experienced the LAVA way before Bitossi for FF Brothers and the handsignature has air between A and L with a round A on the top, IT is written together as TTA LY and LY has long stroke down to the left;)
From 2008ish up to now.
Bitossi have now their own stamp Bitossi flower a la Aldo Londi's Fiorentino Flowers and changed their name FLAVIA back to Bitossi in 2008ish;), which can be seen on their website below or on the screenprint from homepage Bitossi with all the stamps on it above.
You can buy new reproductions of Aldo Londi designs on the above link.
You can also buy vintage products of Aldo londi below on Pamono, witch is the homepage to sell Bitossi vintage, that Bitossi uses nowaday's. It is really expensive here, so look for it somewhere else;)
Aldo Londi PamonoKanobi® Jewelry |
Below I first compair handwritten TTALY bought as FF - Fratelli Fanciulacci and for sure Aldo Londi for Bitossi serie Genovese bowl as I have found them on the internet and can see it.
I am sure they are all three handsigned by Aldo Londi, though I cannot prove it;) But the handsinging way look's very alike, don't you think? If you think timedifferences and different brushes in as well....;) Unfortunately I cannot ask Aldo Londi.... The silver vase has exactly the same handsigning as the above picture with Aldo Londi handwriting TTA LY on Rimini blue;)
Then there is Feather serie Piume, Pendel Bartoldy and Al "Tree of life" as I have found them on the internet and can see it.
The first photo below shows the feather serie Piume and is only handsigned TTALY by Aldo Londi, so there is only one of this beautiful vase.
The middle photo shows a pendel made by Danish Bartholdy Keramik also inspired by Alhambra and the symbols from here that Aldo Londi called Rimini blue serie Spagnoli as well inspired from Granada I think.
Last photo show that A.L. also have handsigned with only L., numbers out of numbers and TTA LY. Aldo Londi also got inspired by Scandinavian Myths I think and did "Tree of life" where our Vikings belived in "Ask Ygdrasil" an ash tree called Ygdrasil as symbol for The Whole Universe. He has done it AS square also symbolizing The Whole Universe.
And you will not right now 14.06.24 find one alike, because I was so lucky to buy the only one made as wall plate seen yet handsigned with gold by headdesigner Aldo Londi for Bitossi on the internet;) I have only been able to find dove bowls, ashtrays... done with the leave patterns, not another wall plate.
Last I also compair Aldo Londi handsigning producing for Fratelli Fanciulacci Brothers and Bitossi as I have found them on the internet and can see it.
This way of doing clay, where you scratch, lift and form the surface of the clay is called Sgraffito.
And first you call the serie done by Aldo Londi Sgraffito People;)
Then you could call the next serie Aldo Londi Sgraffito Symbol Patterns;)
Actually, I think, that you can see in the photos below, how Aldo Londi later, exactly from 1959, created the Rimini Blue main serie inspired from his earlier productions of Sgraffito for FF Brothers;)
He used a lot of symbols and I think, that his time in Africa captured during Second World War has inspired him to do patterns alike African patterns. So I think that he also got inspired during the capturing beside the suffering's. Actually Aldo Londi did travel to Africa before, during and after wars as told by Luca Londi in his book about his father.
While creating for FF I think in the last period Aldo Londi made crome/silver on clay with people as decoration as he continued after joining Bitossi. I have found different productions sold as Aldo Londi for Bitossi and they look like some of the ones sold as FF Brothers on the internet.
The shapes of the people changes, I think, the totally ballanced creations turning the clay around while creating did not change, nor did the creativity and the artistical way of creating people, I think so and can find sold on the internet;)
They just look diffferent in Aldo Londi's Sgraffito way doing lines as on my SUN LAVA BLUEISH GOLD Wall Plate. It can only be done by Aldo Londi;) They are not only wemen all of them as FF created people mostly, Aldo Londi did mixed people as both wemen and men on everything, ex. vases, lamps, etc.;) Below you find my two wonderful lamps as, I am actually sure, Aldo Londi creations for FF Brothers, because there is only one number and the handsignature is TTA LY significant for AL in the spirit jamming knowledge from Ugo Zaccagnini.
Two Ceramic Museums in the town of Montelupo.
Today's city museum Ceramics Museum of Montelupo Fiorentino is the earlier company Fratelli Fanciulacci brothers renovated and owned by The Municipality of Montelupo, Firentino, Italy.
Ceramiche Museum of Montelupo, Fiorentino, Italy.Restored buildings by Municipality of Fratelli Fanciulacci Brothers Cheramiche Factory. Kanobi® Jewelry |
If you then walk max. 500 meters further down the street, Via Antonio Gramsci, 50056 Montelupo Fiorentino FI, Italy, you come to the Bitossi company with the Bitossi Museum as an extension and also designproductions continues with many different designers employed. Also the local Art School is exactly here;)
Fondazione Vittoriano BitossiKanobi® Jewelry |
Luca Londi describes on the page 78 about Aldo Londi Pillar's as Aldo Londi of Montelupo area and timespace;)
You can see a tour at Bitossi Museum on the youtube link here.
Youtube Tour Bitossi MuseumKanobi® Jewelry |
Bitossi & FF Museum's in Montelupo Google MapsKanobi® Jewelry |
Aldo Londi CeramistAldo Londi Ceramist Biography by Luca Londi bought and recieved 25.07.24. Kanobi® Jewelry. | Aldo Londi Ceramist.Aldo Londi Ceramist Biography by Luca Londi. Kanobi® Jewelry. | Aldo Londi Ceramist.Aldo Londi Ceramist Biography by Luca Londi. Kanobi® Jewelry. | Aldo Londi Ceramist.Aldo Londi Ceramist Biography by Luca Londi. And yes, AL was lefthanded, but could use both hands, because of different thoughts about lefthanded back in the time before 1922 page 18;) Also mostly of his family were and are lefthanded. Kanobi® Jewelry. |
As I have found it on the internet and can see it Aldo Londi all in all handsigned with
ZTALY old handwritten from 1946 to?
TTA LY for both Fratelli Fanciulacci Brothers 1922-40ish and Bitossi 1946-1976 for sure and up to 2003?, also
A. Londi relief's seen in Denmark;)
Written Italy letters as handwritten TTA LY standing on their own unless TT or all together as TTALY, then is is often Ztaly;)
You can buy AL son LUCA LONDI book as The book about Aldo Londi here.
You can download short version of my Aldo Londi Art inspiration here in danish or english.
Aldo Londi Art inspiration here in danish.
Aldo Londi Art inspiration here in english.
Aldo Londi artistical clay creations were and are timeless I also think, exactly because they are uniq, including symbols and therefore inhold life stories to look at;)
They are with the soul of life symbols and outstanding way's of thinking culture and beliefs into Clay Art's;)
They are not only done with stripes, etc., they also inclosure the art interlectual mindset of Art School's Worldwide - The Story (ex. Rimini blue water from AL visiting Rimini) and Symbols of Art;)
Above I leave Aldo Londi Masterpieces as my last selfdone creative picture of LAVA Structure Sgraffito Symbol Patterns and The Guanyin or Kwan Yin or Quan Yin 47/104 TTALY as the Goodness of The World done in the same period from 1959 to 2003 as my lamp Rimini Blueish Lava structure from the early Aldo Londi for Bitossi as Art Designer period from 1946.
Aldo Londi designed The Timeless Master Art Serie Rimini Blue for sure inspired from a visit to the costline of Rimini I think including all his wonderful ART SYMBOLS telling stories so important to make Byond Aldo Londi ART'S and not only productions of clay while "jamming" together with other potters or in "total Flow as high artistical spirit" as Artist;)
There is no story with only stripes or lines... they are not defined in my "Politikens Symbol Leksikon, 2. udg., 3. opl. 2001", but to me they are only North/South or East/West going on without Jam, Flow or Passione or Soul to transmit to us.
Exactly The passione is the hights of life described so well by symbols and stories as the Scandinavian "Ask Ygdrasil" or "Quan Yin";) There are lots of Myth's here, so do them;)
Also the handsigned by Aldo Londi is important, so do stamp Aldo Londi TTA LY, as AL exactly did handsign for many years for Bitossi - from before 1946 for FF and always nearly, unless the short time with ZTALY, for Bitossi onto his personal wonderful Art Designs. We are not all into split seconds fortunately;) It is a gift to have been brought up with "stop and listen to the nature" - To Rest is important and we are capable if we are left to do so..... The Rest Space tell's real stories, if you got the time to listen;)
Aldo Londi was a genius to make Clay Art's become breathless and outstanding, because of the use of basic color's primery "Rimini blue" or "Sun colored" colors combined with Earth colors primery "Umbra", "Art symbols" and "Cultural stories" including "Historical symbols" and Aldo Londi "Personal way of handsigning TTA LY" - showing his Genious Designed Art Clay as
outstanding Art Clay creations for FF brother's until the second Word War and after from 1946-2003 as seperated A L in the handsigned TTA LY.
Exactly the space between A and L is important to be sure it is an Aldo Londi handsigned Art Creation you are holding in your hands as handsigned TTA LY with a long stoke above TT, A round on the top and LY together with a long stroke down tho the left from the Y;)
Fiorentino Flowers Handpainted & handsigned by AL.I think. Kanobi® Jewelry |