Work & Education
I told you about Info on the previous subpage. Now I will tell you about my
Creatives made during time by Kanobi® Graphic Art.
Sale to private people of my graphics: photos, pictures, websites and 3D materials.
Lots of materials from my bachelor in Arts connected to digital programs and media.
As social worker and teacher I communicated creative activities and crafts regarding children, young people, grown ups and colleges hereby setups and prints of magazines, invitations, artwork, etc.
As photographer on private basis I first took black and white photos and later coloured inspired by nature and culture. I had my first camera as eight years old from my grandparentes and we went to Odense Zoo;)
Creating models for real experiences to solve problems and make daily things work is a part of my creations through life. Also creating using all different kinds of textiles, paper, feathers, wires, etc. for mobiles and other stoff.
Education & graphic understanding
Entrepreneurship in relation to own business Vejle - Ledelsesakademiet.
Propelled by IT;) Working with digital medias creating and maintaining websites starting up with DOS workshop for pc in 1995 to get a grip of computers.
UPN v. Lone MCColaugh, entrepreneurship.
Erhvervsakademiet Lillebælt – Usability & Graphic design. A project in progress working with target groups and business desires for a website using the newest design principles.
Bachelor as a Teacher – maincource in Arts.
Computer Science – Java, Webdesign & Usability, Business & Programming.
Joined a Photoclub in Odense at Badstuen.
Education as a social worker – hereby also Essentials of pictures and developement of human beeings – Reggio Emilia.
EFG – Business and Office, 1. år of Higher Business useful knowledge for projects.
EFG – Graphics. Printing, designing books, editing pictures by hand not pc;), etc.
Programs I work in
Office, Animation 3 (still got it;), Paint Shop Pro, Moviemaker, WIX, WordPress and Blender. All free programs... Transforming fotos into pictures. These are actually enough to have lots of possibilities;) Can also use Adobe.
SEO courses & SEO regarding websites
Google Adwords 1 & SEO
Google Adwords 2 & SEO webshops
SEO on Google and Facebook. Entrepeneurship Uge47 DK
You find my CV in Danish on my other website including many examples for now only in Danish on subpages to
You also find CV in both Danish and English for download on the link above.