- data & cookies policy
I told you about Work & Education on the previous subpage. Now I tell you about my
GDPR - data & cookies policy in relation to EU Regulation for both my websites.
Kanobi® Graphic Art & Birgitte Volkert Kanobi®.
You can choose to Accept all cookies inclusive Google Analytics. Before you choose Accept, you should read the following text below.
GDPR regulation
I have choosen only to simplify what you accept regarding personal data and cookies on my two websites, because I think that we ourselves choose, what we do and because we do so, I find EU GDPR Regulation unnecessary.
In that perspective there are no problems regarding data and cookies;)
You choose yourself which browser you use and how your browser is showing cookies, so that is also your choice. Of cause I have an Google account, but do not use Google Analytics, I only use Google Crome as my default search engine. Though Explorer is part of my Windowpackage and I do not use it, because I have chosen to use Google Crome, but it is still running in the background.
You only mail me using a formular on the page @ Contact.
On Kanobi® Graphic Art, this website, you only have to accept GDPR, when you write to me. First in my Contact formular you must accept with an Yes that I keep your email when you write to me. You can always write to me to change that and I will immediately remove it.
It is the same regarding newsletters, photos, pictures, etc. including you or your relations. Just write to me, and I remove it, or retush faces, so it is not possible to see who people are on the photos.
Regarding Cookies
If you do not agree on my cookies, then do not watch my websites;)
Only on my danish website Birgitte Volkert Kanobi® you can use the visible choises on the frontpage. When you have made a discision and agreed on my cookies the popup window will disappear.
You can change your choice in Google after you have removed your browserdata. Go to Setttings, select Advanced and click remove browserdata.
Then you will get the popup window again to select cookies next time you visit.